dumb stuff
May 18, 2003-10:40 pm

from wonderwall:

last cigarette: i've never smoked although tonite i came home smelling like it.

last car ride: steve driving me home two hours ago.

last kiss: stevestevesteve.

last good cry: yesterday i cried but it wasn't a good cry...my last good one? probably a couple weeks ago.

last library book checked out: hmm...not quite sure, i think it may have been...shit, i dont know..i just bought Guarding the Moon by FLB.

last movie seen: dumb and dumber...wow i'm a dork.

last cuss word uttered: "it's fucking bright out"

last beverage drank: cranberry strawberry something something juice.

last food consumed: cheerios:D

last crush:

last phone call: susan

last tv show watched: don't remember, probably some cartoons last night

last time showered: today.

last shoes worn: liteup sugar sneakers

last cd played: veruca salt-american thighs

last item bought: umm...shit, oh a shirt off ebay.

last annoyance: me being a crazy bitch to everyone

last disappointment: fucking up my own plans last night.

last soda drank: gingerale at kelly's

last im: kelly, sarah, ben and susan

last ice cream eaten: mint chocolate chip and m&ms and chocolate sauce at kellys...

last time wanting to die: i don't

last time scolded: today, for coming home late and...lying.

last shirt worn: blue hand me down teeshirt.

last webpage visited: diaries...wonderwall actually :D


choose a band and answer only in song titles by that band: veruca salt...

Are you male or female? volcano girl

Describe yourself: the morning sad

How do some people feel about you? never met her or used to know her

How do you feel about yourself? officially dead

Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: benjamin or ...of nothing

Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend/crush: spiderman 79'

Describe what you want to be: beauty or hellraiser

Describe how you live: sleeping where i want.

Describe how you love: one more page of insincerity please

Share a few words of wisdom: all hail me

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