February 15, 2003-4:05 pm

stolen from she

A- Appetizer of Choice: hmm...i don't think that i really like appetizers.

B- Best Friend: err...kelly?

C- Choice of Meat: eeewwwwwwwwww.

D- Dream Date: the city at night

E- Exciting Adventure: that i've had? climbing a mountain with CORE (a christian teen group for a church i never went to)

F- Favorite Food: sugar

G- Greatest Accomplishment: my essay on the mirror

H- Happiest Day of your life: um...when i hit 110.

I- Interesting Fact: i dont sleep in my own bed very often (no, i don't mean that in a dirty way)

J- Joke: hahaha.

K- Kool-Aid: once my friend dyed her hair with it and it tasted really good.

L- Lover: i don't have lovers

M- Marriage: my mother sold her wedding dress

N- Name: angela

O- Obsession: everything. probably magazine ads. or eyeliner <3<3<3

P- Pizza toppings: umm...cheese?

Q- Question Asked to you the most: no one talks to me very much right now

R- Radio Station: the radio still sucks.

S- Sex: which one? boys that look like girls

T- Television Show: clone high.

U- Underwear: i love underwear<3my black and pink bra with matching panties

V- Video: romeo and juliet (the modern one)

W- Winter: kill it.

X- X-ray: once i sprained my neck and had to get an xray. that sucked.

Y- Year born: 198_ yes, i'm an eighties baby. you know you love it

Z- Zodiac sign: taurus. stubborn as a bull. bull in a china shop. ughh :/

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